Hamas Claims Responsibility For Bomb Explosion In Tel Aviv Israel
ILLUSTRATION/Israeli intelligence member/PHOTO UNSPLASH/Levi Meirncy

JAKARTA - The armed group Hamas and Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for a bomb explosion near a synagoea in Tel Aviv.

A man carrying a dead bomb and a pedestrian was injured in the incident Sunday, August 18, evening.

As reported by Reuters on Monday, August 19, Hamas emphasized that the syahid operation' in Israel will again occur as long as the policy of massacres and occupation killings continues.

Israel has not claimed or denied responsibility for Haniyeh's death in the Iranian capital.

Sunday's bomb blast in Tel Aviv comes about an hour after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Tel Aviv to push for a ceasefire in Gaza to end a 10-month war between Israel and Hamas.

There is an increase in urgency to reach a ceasefire agreement amid fears of an increase in conflict in the wider region. Iran has threatened to retaliate against Israel after the killing of Haniyeh.

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