Dozens Of Students In Wonogiri Were Hit By Falling Trees During The Scout Ceremony
A fallen tree fell on a student in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java, Wednesday (14/8/2024). BETWEEN residents/HO-Documentation.

JAKARTA - A total of 19 students in Wonogiri Regency, Central Java, were hit by a fallen tree while attending the Scout Day commemoration ceremony.

Based on the video circulating, junior high, high school, and vocational students attended a ceremony in the yard of SMPN 1 Wuryantoro. During the ceremony, suddenly a tree fell and hit the students standing at the back of the ceremonial troops.

Related to this, the Head of Wuryantoro Sub-district, Soemardjono Fadjari, said that six victims were taken to Wonogiri Hospital, while several other victims were evacuated at the local health center.

"Those who have been taken to the hospital have been treated. Maybe some have also been allowed to go home. We will continue to monitor this," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 14.

He explained that the fallen tree had a height of about four meters and the condition of the tree was dry.

One of the fallen tree victims' students, FARhat admitted that he had a pain in the head due to being hit by the tree trunk.

"When the ceremony suddenly came, someone shouted and there was a black shadow. At first glance, a tree was seen falling, I ran back to avoid it, but instead hit the back of the head," said this student from class X of the Engineering Department for Light Vehicles at SMK Gajah Mungkur 1 Wuryantoro.

After the incident the ceremony continued, but in an apple format and not a large-scale ceremony.

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