Residents' Brawls In Johar Baru, Central Jakarta, Like An Endless Series Film
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JAKARTA - A brawl between groups of teenagers has occurred again on Jalan Kramat Jaya, Johar Baru District, Central Jakarta.

The perpetrators carried out brawls using sharp weapons and firecrackers to attack the opposing camp. Ironically, brawls in this location have often occurred since the last two weeks.

"It's been two weeks since the brawl occurred several times here. Teenagers here are fighting between RW 01 and 02," said a resident who declined to be named, Tuesday, August 6.

Residents asked the police to be more serious in handling cases of brawls at this location. Moreover, at this location, many small children and the elderly are afraid of being victims of wrong targets.

"The impact is huge on children who are still young. During this time there was a brawl like in serial films, it never ended," he said.

The Head of the Johar Baru Police, Kompol Ubaidillah, said that due to the brawl that occurred, his party had arrested several teenagers who were involved in the brawl.

"We have arrested someone. We are still continuing to investigate the case," he said.

In order to prevent further brawls, the Johar Baru Police have strengthened regional patrol personnel. Moreover, increased patrols were carried out in a number of locations prone to brawls.

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