About To Brawl, 8 Teenagers In Kebon Jeruk Arrested By Police And Sajam
Teenagers were arrested along with a number of sharp weapons at the Kebon Jerruk Police, West Jakarta (Jehan/VOI)

JAKARTA - A total of eight teenagers suspected of being involved in a brawl were arrested by the police. The incident occurred at the Mining Complex, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Saturday, August 3, at 05.00 WIB.

"8 teenagers are suspected of having a brawl in the Mining Complex, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta," said Head of Samapta Polres Metro West Jakarta, AKBP M Hari Agung Julianto in his statement, Sunday, August 4.

Agung said that at first the incident was revealed when his party carried out patrols to anticipate disturbances in public order (gantibmas).

Then, while walking around, said Agung, his party received information about a group of teenagers gathering. Based on information from the officers went directly to the scene, to follow up.

The teenagers immediately fled. However, with a swift pursuit of our team and managed to secure them," he said.

After an inspection in the field, officers found sharp sickle weapons and several other tools that were suspected of being used for brawls.

"We found one sickle and three paralon that were formed like sickles. These items are thought to be used by the teenagers in a brawl," he explained.

Now the teenagers along with the evidence are being taken to the Kebon Jeruk Police for further investigation.

Agung also emphasized the importance of community participation in maintaining security and order in the surrounding environment.

"We appreciate the residents who provide information so that we can prevent this brawl. Cooperation between the community and the police is very important to create a safe and conducive environment," said Agung.

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