Government Prepares Quota For 40 Thousand CPNS
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB) has prepared 40 thousand quotas for accepting Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) and Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) in 2024.

"From that quota, about 5 percent is allocated for the sons and daughters of East Kalimantan who will be placed in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN)," said Kemenpan-RB Main Policy Analyst Arizal at the ASN Festival "Buun Nusantara Movement" in Antara Heritage Center (AHC) Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, August 3.

According to him, ASNs stationed in IKN will be attached to ministries/agencies in receiving 40,000 CPNS for this year.

"The selection may be in the near future. There is an affirmation for the sons and daughters of East Kalimantan to be able to compete later, so to fill ASN, ASN candidates, civil servants who will later be placed in ministries/institutions in IKN," said Arizal.

It also includes current ASN, both echelon III and IV officials around East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim) more likely to contribute to ministries/institutions in IKN through mutations and will also be given affirmations.

Not only that, ASN who will be transferred to IKN must master digital literacy. "So it is related to the competence of the transferred ASN, this is indeed requested that those who master digital literacy because their work there has changed greatly," he said.

This is in accordance with Permenpan-RB Number 7 of 2022 which regulates new ways of working in order to build competence and competition.

He also revealed that in a limited meeting of PAN-RB Minister Abdullah Azwar Anas with President Joko Widodo a few days ago that ASN who would be transferred to IKN were single.

"ASN has been moved, this is the latest development, when it was flat yesterday, the direction was the one who moved this early stage, those who were single," he said.

This, he said, was related to the readiness of residential and office infrastructure.

"This means that when she already has a family here, don't bring her wife or husband there first. So those who are single," he said.

He added, in the initial draft the number of ASN to be moved in 2024 was 11,911 people from 36 ministries/agencies.

However, adjusting the readiness of occupancy, the number of ASN to be moved until December 2024 is 3,246 ASN from 36 ministries/agencies.

That number does not include his family.

"The Ministry of Administrative Affairs has made gradual transfer plans until 2034," said Arizal.

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