Hendi Reports The Dynamics Of The Semarang City Regional Head Election To The PDIP DPP
Chairman of the DPC PDI Perjuangan Semarang City Hendrar Prihadi. (ANTARA/Zuhdiar Laeis)

The chairman of the Semarang City PDI-P DPC, Hendrar Prihadi, who is familiarly called Hendi, said that he had reported the dynamics that occurred ahead of the Semarang City Head Election to the DPD and PDI-P DPD administrators.

"I have reported to the leadership things that happened ahead of the Pilwakot (election of mayors and mayors, ed)," said Hendi in Semarang as reported by ANTARA, Friday, August 2.

Previously, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was handling a case of alleged corruption in the Semarang City Government.

KPK investigators searched a number of regional apparatus organizations (OPD) offices within the Semarang City Government and examined the ranks of OPD leaders, including Semarang Mayor Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu.

The KPK stated that the search was related to the handling of three cases of alleged corruption within the Semarang City Government.

The three alleged corruption cases include the procurement of goods and services within the Semarang City Government in 2023-2024, the alleged extortion of civil servants for incentives for collecting taxes and levies in the Semarang City area, as well as the alleged receipt of gratuities in 2023-2024.

Ita, Hevearita's nickname, is an incumbent candidate who has the potential to run again in the Semarang City Pilkada.

Responding to this, Hendi handed over to the PDI-P DPP for further steps, including determining political steps and recommendations.

"I have reported the situation. It's just a matter of whether the DPP will make a decision, who will run in Semarang City. We'll just have to wait," he said.

Regarding the possibility of a coalition with other political parties or carrying out their own candidates considering that the PDI-P has the opportunity to carry its own candidates, Hendi said so far he could not confirm.

"Once again, our job is only to capture, inform, and send reports to the DPD and DPP. For recommendations, we'll just have to wait. Hopefully, people who get recommendations are what the community wants," he said.

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