The Rise Of Diabetes Cases, Speaker Of The House Of Representatives Encourages Parents To Take Care Of Their Children's Healthy Eating Patterns
Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, gave a speech opening the 2nd IPPP General Session in Jakarta, Thursday (25/7/2024). BETWEEN/HO-DPR RI
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, highlighted the rise of cases of diabetes, obesity, and kidney failure that have recently been experienced by many children in Indonesia. Puan encourages parents to adopt a healthy diet for children. "I am concerned about the condition of children affected by chronic diseases such as kidney failure, diabetes, and obesity. This needs to be followed up as soon as possible," said DPR RI Speaker Puan Maharani to reporters, Wednesday, July 31. The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture also supports a rule that can support a healthy diet for children. According to him, this child's health problem is a shared responsibility for all parties. “It takes a good system, not only from family but also collaboration from the environment, industry players, and policy makers so that our children can consume healthy food for the sake of their survival,” said Puan. Even so, Puan reminded that the policies issued could be fair to all parties, especially the wider community. For example, he said, in Government Regulation No. 28 of 2024 concerning the Implementation of the Health Law regarding the rules of traders selling in the school environment, including the menu they offer. “ The policies made must be able to accommodate the needs and welfare of all elements of society. Do not let the existing rules harm the people, ” explained Puan. The rules regarding the regulation of food traders in the school environment are contained in Article 202 of PP Number 28 of 2024 regarding the authority of the Regional Government in determining policies to control risk factors for non-communicable diseases. The regulation explains the regulation and guidance for food and beverage sellers selling around schools and workplaces. In addition, it is also about the supervision of food in the household industry, processed ready-to-eat food, including the portion of food and drinks served at business premises, as well as hawker food for school children in their area. Puan said, in principle, this rule can support the creation of a healthy diet for children so that they avoid food and drinks that are high in sugar, salt and fat. "But we hope that this rule will continue to protect SME traders so that they do not lose their source of income," he said. Puan also encouraged the Government to embrace street vendors in the school environment and SME food products. " “ Provide training and assistance so that the quality of their food products prioritizes children's health needs, of course, the element of supervision is also very important,” said Puan. The PDIP legislator for the Central Java electoral district also reminded the importance of involving government units in the regions to continue to pay attention to the welfare of SME actors. Puan supports collaboration between relevant stakeholders. "For example, bridging with educational institutions, cooperation with canteens so that food products from small business actors can enter which are adjusted to the requirements and criteria for healthy food," he explained. "Jadi aktanya, kebijakan yang dikeluarkan harus win-win solution dan tidak merugikan masyarakat, termasuk pelaku usaha kecil,” sambung Puan. Puan also emphasized the importance of educating the public about healthy eating patterns for children. Both in the school environment to the smallest level in the household environment. "For example, through Posyandu and maximizing the role of PKK, ” said the grandson of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia.
Puan added that education for parents and children itself is very important in suppressing health cases such as diabetes and kidney failure. " “ The role of schools to provide socialization and education is also very much needed in order to grow habits so that children can have a healthy diet. And this is our shared collaborative responsibility,” close Puan.

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