PBNU Wants To Take PKB Because Of Ahistoris, Deputy: Gus Ipul Doesn't Understand The Constitution And Krama Procedures
Deputy Chairperson Of PKB, Jazilul Fawaid/DOK Nailin-VOI
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of PKB, Jazilul Fawaid responded to the discourse of PBNU wanting to seize PKB through a team of five or a kind of special committee (Pansus) because it was considered to have deviated from history (ahistoris). Jazilul assessed that the Secretary General of PBNU, Saifullah Yusuf or Gus Ipul, did not understand the constitution and Krama's governance by issuing statements that made chaos. Jazilul emphasized that from the beginning the party led by Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) was aware of the historical relationship between PKB and NU. And PKB, he said, had never questioned if PBNU took a position apart from all political parties including PKB. "Despite the fact, I think Gus Yahya and Gus Ipul often deflate PKB. Second, PKB is not an autonomous body of PBNU. PKB is sovereign in carrying out political party laws. Law number 2 of 2011. Meanwhile, NU runs with the law of mass organizations. So the rooms are different," said Jazilul at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, July 30. "So the chaos conveyed by Gus Ipul shows that he does not understand the constitution, does not understand organizational governance, does not even understand manners," he continued. The deputy chairman of the MPR regretted that the organization based on ulama did not show the ethics of the ulama. According to him, wanting to seize the PKB with the sentence of returning it to a legitimate owner is very contrary to the values of the ulama. "Want to grab, want to take over, want to take something that is not their right, it is taboo for ulama. It is a batile act, an act that is not entitled. We do not guess," said Jazilul. "The PBNU takes care of the ummah, mosques, madrasas, and is born a tool for political struggle called the National Awakening Party. And today the party based on the sunnah wal jamaah is the largest in parliament. Today is the only PKB, that's an extraordinary achievement. Cook it is historical?," he continued. Jazilul then emphasized that under the command of Cak Imin, PKB is currently at the peak of solidity. So according to him, anyone will not be able to intervene and even take over PKB from Cak Imin's hands. "So today's PKB is solid. All ranks will refuse anyone who tries to intervene, take over, or violate the constitution, against the law that has an impact on taking over the party's sovereignty," said Jazilul. Previously, PBNU planned to form a team of five or the PKB special committee. PBNU Secretary General Saifullah Yusuf (Gus Ipul) said this special committee was formed to straighten history and at the same time return PKB to PBNU as the legal owner.
Gus Ipul assessed that currently, the PKB elite has made many statements that deviate from the initial fatsun of the establishment of PKB. In fact, according to him, there are real and systematic efforts made by the PKB elite to keep PKB away from the NU structure. "PBNU is in discussion. If necessary, the formation of a fifth team will be carried out immediately. This step is after seeing the historical statements of the PKB elite. There are signs that they will take them away from the history of the establishment of PKB," said Gus Ipul in a written statement, Friday, July 26.

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