Constitutional Court Cancels Al Haris-Abdul Sani's Victory At Jambi Governor Election, Orders 88 Polling Stations To Re-vote
Constitutional Court Building (ANTARA)

JAMBI - The Constitutional Court ordered a re-vote (PSU) for Jambi Governor Election. The re-vote will be held at 88 polling stations in 5 districts/cities.

"Ordered the Respondent to re-vote at the Pollin Station (TPS)," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia Anwar Usman while reading out the verdict at the Constitutional Court building as quoted by Antara, Monday, March 22.

Presiding Judge Anwar Usman in reading the verdict in the main application granted the petition in part and declared the General Election Commission (KPU) of Jambi decision number 127/PL.02.6-Kpt/15/Prov/XII/2020 regarding the recapitulation of vote count results for the election for the Governor and Deputy Governor of Jambi to be determined 2020 dated 19 December.

The Constitutional Court ordered Jambi Provincial General Election Commission (KPU) to re-vote at 88 polling stations in five districts and cities within 60 working days from the time the decision was pronounced.

The 88 polling stations are scattered in Muaro Jambi Regency, Kerinci Regency, Batanghari Regency, Sungai Penuh City and in Tanjung Jabung Timur Regency.

In addition, the Constitutional Court ordered the Jambi Province's General Election Commission (KPU) to appoint chairmen and members of the Voting Organizer Group (KPPS) as well as new chairmen and members of the District Voting Committee (PPK) to the polling stations where the re-voting was conducted.

The re-vote at the 88 polling stations will still be followed by three pairs of candidates for the Governor of Jambi, namely pair number 01 Cek Endra-Ratu Munawaroh, pair number 02 Fachrori Umar-Syafril Nursal, and pair number 03 Al Haris-Abdullah Sani. The last pair was previously determined by the General Election Commission (KPU) as the winner of Jambi's Governor Election.

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