Special Gifts, There Are Two Catholic Imams Among 100 Officers Inaugurated By The Governor Of Akpol
Two Catholic Imams were also appointed by the Governor of Akpol. (IST)

JAKARTA - The Governor of the Police Academy (Akpol), Inspector General of Police Krisno Siregar, SIK, MH, inaugurated 100 Police Officers from the School of Inspector Police for Sources of Bachelors (SIPS) Wave I for Fiscal Year 2024. Of the many officers who were appointed, there were two Catholic priests who were also officers. They are the Father of the Two Police Inspector Oktavianus Pelagian Rant, Pr (Romo Choki) from Ruteng Diocese and the Father of Police Two Inspector Antonius Arfin Samosir, Pr from the Archdiocese of Jakarta (KAJ).

Deputy Bishop of Catholics in the TNI and Polri/Ordinariatus Castrensis Indonesia (OCI), Father Colonel (Sus) Yoseph Maria Marcelinus Bintoro, Pr, SFil, MSc, or familiarly called Father Yos Bintoro, said that the presence of Catholic clergy as police officers was a special gift for Catholics in the ranks of the Indonesian Police.

"We hope that spiritual services, personnel care, faith counseling will provide the quality of the National Police to be more professional, modern and with integrity," said Father Yos, Thursday, July 25 in a written statement to VOI.

The presence of teenage police officers is very significant and relevant considering the current challenges of the National Police are very complex. Police officers as level one managers are expected to be able to provide professionalism through assistance for Polri personnel so that the quality of human resources is maintained.

"Ipda Romo Arfin at SSDM Polri and Ipda Romo Choki at the Police Education and Training Academy," said Father Yos Bintoro.

The presence of the first priest as a SIPS officer is expected to maintain the nation's hopes in welcoming the golden year 2045, enable the National Police to provide a sense of security for the community, ensure the implementation of order, and realize justice in the community.

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