Jepara Regional Election Survey: Dian Kristiandi-Jadug Trimulyo Most Chance To Win
Illustration of the 2024 Election (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Election Study Institute (LKPI) released the results of a survey related to the public's preference for the electability level of prospective candidates in the Jepara Regional Election, Central Java. As a result, Dian Kristiandi-Jag Trimulyo pair simulations are most likely to win the Jepara Regional Election. LKPI Executive Director, Togu lubis explained, the high level of electability of the former Jepara Regent, Dian Kristiandi, is closely related to the level of approval rating from his leadership in Jepara Regency. Where the level of satisfaction reached 73.9 percent, was dissatisfied at 17.4 percent, and considered it normal at 8.7 percent. Meanwhile, the survey results show that Jadug Trimulyo has a great opportunity as deputy regent of Jepara even though he is paired with whoever the regent candidate is.

"So that the former Regent of Jepara, Dian Kristiandi, will have a great chance of winning if he is paired with Jadug Trimulyo. This is also in accordance with several simulations of pair composition," said Togu in his statement, Wednesday, July 24.

Togu explained, in the simulation of three pairs of candidate names, Dian Kristiandi-Jadug Trimulyo won at 38.3 percent. Followed by Witiarso Utomo-Ibnu Hajar 26.7 percent and Nuruddin Amin-Arizal Wahyu Hidayat 9.6 percent. While not choosing 25.4 percent.

Meanwhile, in the simulation of two pairs of candidates, Dian Kristiandi-Jadug Trimulyo was strong with 54.6 percent. Meanwhile, Witiarso Utomo-Ibnu Hajar was chosen at 34.6 percent, and did not choose 10.8 percent.

"In the head-to-head cabup simulation, the composition is changed, if Witiarso Utomo-Jadug Trimulyo is paired, the electability rate is at 40.8 percent. Meanwhile, the Dian Kristianddi-Nuruddin Amin pair is at 39.8 percent and those who do not choose are 19.4 percent," explained Togu.

In a survey that measures the level of electability, popularity, and acceptability of the names of candidates for regent and deputy regent of Jepara, continued Togu, Dian Kristiandi received the highest level of popularity and acceptability with 85 percent and 80 percent.

Meanwhile, Witiarso Utomo took second place with 78 percent and 72 percent. The third position was filled by Edy Supriyanta with 68 percent and 63 percent, fourth Nuruddin Amin with 60 percent and 54 percent. Followed by Hindun Anisah with 50 percent and 43 percent, and finally Jadug Trimulyo with 45 percent and 43 percent. In the top of the head choice of the regent candidate, Dian Kristiandi as the former Regent of Jepara occupies the top position at 23.7 percent ahead of the other candidates. The second position is occupied by Witiarso Utomo at 20.3 percent, and the third position is followed by Edy Supriyanta at 11.8 percent. "Fourth Nuruddin Amin with 9.6 percent gain, fifth Hindun Anisah 7.4 percent, sixth Jadug Trimulyo 4.7 percent, Haizul Ma'arf 3.4 percent, the names of other regent candidates are below 2 percent, and 161 percent did not vote," said Togu.

While in the top of mind choice for the candidate position for Deputy Regent, Jadug Trimulyo became at the top by getting a vote of 34.8 percent. "Then, second place Arizal Wahyu Hidayat 14.3 percent, third M Ibnu Hajar 8.2 percent, fourth Zainal Afrodi 3.9 percent, fifth Edy Khumaidi 3.6 percent, other names under 2 percent, and did not vote 19.3 percent," concluded Togu.

The LKPI survey was conducted in the period 10-20 July 2024 involving 1,200 respondents spread across villages/kelurahan in Jepara Regency.

This research was carried out using a face-to-face interview method with a margin of error of 2.83 percent with a confidence level of 95 percent.

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