The Alleged Perpetrator Of Mutilation In Garut Had Eat The Victim's Meat
Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Garut Police, AKP Ari Rinaldo, gave information to the media crew. (ANTARA)

Garut Police are still investigating the mutilation case that occurred in Bantar Limus Village, Sancang Village, Cibalong Garut District, West Java.

Kasatreskrim Garut Police AKP Ari Rinaldo confirmed the circulation of a video circulating on social media showing the alleged perpetrator who is a person with a mental disorder (ODGJ) eating a small part of the victim's meat.

"At the time we made the arrest, the suspected perpetrator's psyche was a little different. We immediately brought the suspect the perpetrator to be examined mentally," said Ari at the Garut Police Headquarters, Wednesday, July 3.

Ari said the police found 12 pieces of the victim's body at the crime scene (TKP). Another new clue obtained by the police was that the perpetrator got a sharp object to cut off the victim's body from an empty iron maker (coup maker) left by the owner.

"The results of the autopsy at the hospital have found about 12 pieces of the victim's body. Even so, we are still trying to confirm the identity of the victim," he said.

Police are still trying to find the motive for the case. Until now, the victim's body is still at Dr Slamet Hospital, Garut Regency for an autopsy. The police are also still investigating the identity of the victim and his connection with the perpetrator

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