2 Civil Servants From The Ministry Of Social Affairs Are Worked On By The KPK Regarding Allegations Of Corruption In The President's Social Assistance During COVID-19
KPK Spokesperson Tessa Mahardika/PHOTO: Wardhany Tsa Tsia-VOI
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) summoned two witnesses regarding the president's social assistance (bansos) which was distributed during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 today, Thursday, June 27. Both are civil servants (PNS) at the Ministry of Social Affairs. "Today (the agenda, ed) is to examine witnesses of alleged corruption related to the handling of COVID-19 in the Greater Jakarta area," said KPK Spokesperson Tessa Mahardika to reporters in a written statement. Tessa detailed that the two witnesses summoned were Fajar Khoerul and Annastasia Hustiantie who are civil servants at the Ministry of Social Affairs. “ The examination was carried out at BPKP West Java,” he said. Tessa has not yet conveyed the matter of the investigation that investigators will dig up. However, they are suspected of knowing the fraudulent practices that are being handled by investigators. Previously reported, the KPK revealed that it was investigating allegations of corruption in the procurement of presidential social assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic which was distributed in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) in 2020. There are already suspects named, namely Ivo Wongkaren who is the President Director of Mitra Energi Persada.
In this case, the mode used by the suspects is to reduce the quality of the social assistance provided. As a result of this practice, the state lost up to Rp125 billion and this figure could increase because the calculation was being carried out.

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