Godok Democrats The Names Of Cadres Will Be Promoted As Cawagub 2024
Illustration of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - The Democratic Party is working on several names of cadres who will be encouraged to run as candidates for Deputy Governor Candidate (cawagub) of DKI Jakarta, one of whom is Mujiyono.

Democratic Party spokesman Herzaky Mahendra Putra said the stabbing took into account capabilities and track records.

"Currently, the Democrats are focusing on exploring and are in the process of how to get our cadres from within the Democrats to become cawagub," Herzaky told reporters, Friday, June 14.

One of the names being considered is Mujiyono. According to him, his figure has quite a lot of experience in the field of government, especially Jakarta.

"He is experienced in Commission A which is related to the government. He often discusses with the governor, whoever the governor has been," he said.

Later the elected name will be presented to the coalition of parties. Then, it was discussed again to determine who would be promoted in the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) contestation.

"There are still several names that we are also exploring and we are also exploring how the coalition is, with coalition friends and with governor candidates who will be promoted," he said.

This step was taken to find a leader who could understand the existing problems. So, it can make Jakarta better in the future.

"Kqrena, we want Jakarta to be led by a person who understands problems, is close to the community and has a sincere intention so that his policies are truly beneficial, not just popularity, his electability increases," said Herzaky.

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