Stumbled On The 2024 Pilkada, Tangerang Regional Secretary Rasyid Examined By BKD
Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Tangerang Regency, Moch Maesyal Rasyid (ANTARA)

SERANG - The Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Tangerang Regency Maesyal Rasyid was examined by the Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) of Banten Province related to the name of the official at the 2024 Regional Head Election Exchange (Pilkada). "The report has been submitted to us and is currently in the process of being investigated. What has been carried out is only Tangerang Regency," said Head of BKD Banten, Nana Supiana, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 6. "The inspection and summons process was carried out for clarification regarding ASN Netrality. And then it can be followed up and can develop at least three times to fulfill the evidence. "For those who are examined, they are still waiting for the results of the assessment, because only once an examination has been carried out," he said.

Nana said that ASN may run for regional head because it is their right. However, with the code of ethics that must be passed starting from the superior's permission and resigning to maintain the neutrality of ASN. "ASN can also run for office because it is their right. However, with the code of ethics that must be passed, starting from the superior's permission and resigning to maintain the neutrality of its ASN, then he must fulfill that if he wants politics," he said. He explained that even though it has not been determined as a candidate, ASN should resign, because it is not permissible to run for the candidate. "For heavy sanctions, it cannot be dismissed with disrespect, while for moderate sanctions it can be a demotion, and tukin is not paid," he said.

Nana admitted that since the beginning the Banten Provincial Government (Pemprov) had made efforts to maintain neutrality by socializing the neutrality of ASN with Kesbangpol, Governor and Regional Secretary. It is known that there are six ASN in Banten that are included in the 2024 Pilkada exchange including the Head of the Serang City Industry and Trade Office (Kadisperindag) Wahyu Nurjamil, Head of the Pandeglang Regency Youth and Sports Education Office (Kadisdikpora) Rd Dewi Setiani, Tangerang Regency Regional Secretary (Sekda) Maesyal Rasyid, Tangerang Regency Head of PP Agus Suryana, Tangerang Regency Head of Transportation Ahmad Taupik, and Asda 1 Banten Province Komarudin.

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