Khofifah Reported To KPK, Allegedly Loss Of The State When She Was Minister Of Social Affairs
The Civil Society Communication Forum reported the former Social Minister Khofifah to the KPK at the KPK's Red and White Building, Jakarta, Tuesday, June 4. (Tsa Tsia-VOI)

JAKARTA - Former East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa was reported to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) regarding project work at the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos). It is suspected that there was a state loss that occurred when he served as Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos).

"What we reported was the chairman, the Minister (at that time, ed) Khofifah Indar Parawansa, the two PPK and the KPA, the three of them," said Head of the Civil Community Communication Forum Sutikno at the KPK's Red and White Building, South Jakarta, Tuesday, June 4.

Sutikno said his presence at the anti-corruption commission was not the first time. A similar report was also submitted in 2018 or six years ago but was not followed up.

Thus, he took the initiative to return to the KPK office. Sutikno admitted that he brought additional evidence in the form of files from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

"In the past, six years ago we reported it, we calculated the loss of Rp. 58 billion while we just got an audit from the BPK, the loss of the project we reported was Rp. 98 billion in the case at the Ministry of Social Affairs in 2015, the verification and validation program for the poor," he explained.

Apart from Khofifah, Adi Karyono, who is the Acting Governor of East Java, is currently also reported. This name was dragged into the power of budget users.

"It turned out that in 2015, apart from the verification and validation program, there was a program called the procurement of tents and it was also suspected that there was a loss of Rp7.8 M (from, red) for the tent procurement. The power of the budget user is now the Acting Governor of East Java Adi Karyono," said Sutikno.

As for the verification and validation of data at the Ministry of Social Affairs, a number of officials are said to have hit a rule that caused the state to lose money.

"(There is, red) poor families who want to be verified (in the program, red) it turns out that they use BPS data (which, red) are considered to have been verified. There is no fact in the field (person, red)," he concluded.

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