Eight Of The Nine Motorcycle Gang Members In Cempaka Putih, Minors Bring Sickles
Evidence of sickles belonging to members of motorcycle gangs in Cempaka Putih was confiscated by the police/ Photo: Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

JAKARTA - Two motorcycle gangsters were again involved in attacking each other using various sharp weapons in the Cempaka Putih Timur area, Cempaka Putih District, Central Jakarta.

A total of 9 gangsters were arrested by the Central Jakarta Metro Police Precision Patrol Team along with evidence of various types of sharp weapons.

Deputy Head of Samapta Central Jakarta Police, Kompol Sam Suharto, emphasized that of the 9 motorcycle gangsters arrested by their members, 1 was an adult and 8 were minors.

"We confiscated 7 sickle blades, 1 iron pipe, 6 cell phones and 4 motorcycles," said Kompol Sam when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, June 4.

For further investigation, nine perpetrators were handed over to the Cempaka Putih Police for legal processing.

In addition, Samapta Polres Central Jakarta will conduct counseling in schools and appeals to areas prone to brawls. Parents are also asked to control their children's activities if the child is out of the house at night.

"The nine perpetrators are gangs between young people, usually an appointment somewhere to do a brawl," he said.

Kompol Sam explained, from the results of his investigation, the nine perpetrators who were arrested were allegedly affiliated with motorcycle gangs.

"They were fighting and the convoy. The groups can be said to be motorcycle gangs too. Because they convoyed and carried out a brawl, they gathered with 10 motorbikes, they walked and made an appointment. It could be called a motorcycle gang too," he said.

Kompol Sam said that the perpetrators did not wear the same attributes in their group.

"No, they are all plainclothes (not uniformed)," he said.

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