Three Teenagers In Mount Sahari Central Jakarta Arrested While Gathering Carrying Sickles
Three teenagers were arrested for carrying large sickles/ Photos; IST

Three teenagers about to fight were arrested by the Central Jakarta Metro Police Samapta Unit Precision Pioneer Patrol Team on Jalan Gunung Sahari, Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta, Friday, May 31.

The arrests of the three teenagers with the initials RP (14), SBA (18) and RR (19) were carried out by the Central Jakarta Metro Police Samapta Unit Precision Pioneer Patrol Team when officers were on patrol.

When crossing Jalan Gunung Sahari, Sawah Besar District, Central Jakarta, a group of young people were found hanging out waiting for their opponents to fight.

When they were about to be arrested, the perpetrators fled. However, these efforts were thwarted. The police also searched the perpetrators and found sharp weapons.

"Evidence confiscated sharp weapons of the type of sickle, motorbike and one cellphone," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Susatyo Purnomo Condro when confirmed, Friday, May 31.

Kombes Susatyo said that the Patrol for the Precision Pioneer Patrol Team was a routine daily activity to maintain security and social order in the Central Jakarta area.

"To provide a sense of security and comfort to residents who are resting at night, as well as to provide comfort for other road users at night," he said.

The police chief also appealed to the public to be able to care about their children's interactions and control their activities when outside the home, so as not to become perpetrators who violate the law and victims of crimes by irresponsible people.

"Love the lives of our children if they die or are torn apart during a brawl on the streets," he said.

For further processing, the three perpetrators were handed over to the Sawah Besar Police for further legal proceedings. The three of them were charged with Article 2 paragraph 1 of the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 with a threat of 10 years in prison.

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