The Head of the National Police's Security Maintenance Agency (Baharkam) Komjen Fadil Imran has made Bali one of the pilot projects or piloting the implementation of tourism police.
This was conveyed by Komjen Fadil when handing over vehicles, special materials (almatsus) and individual field equipment (kaporlap) ahead of the WorldWater Forum-10 implementation at the Bali Police Headquarters Field, Monday, May 13.
"This equipment is to strengthen the tourism police. As a tourism destination, we must strengthen the security," said Fadil Imran, quoted by ANTARA.
He said the provision of operational almatsus was a support for personnel who have the ability to carry out the duties of the tourism police. The Bali Police are one of the Polda selected by Baharkam Polri as the pilot project of the tourism police.
Kabaharkam hopes that the equipment can contribute to the development of the tourism sector and encourage the economic security of the Bali Provincial Government, especially strengthening the tourism aspect from the kamtibmas side.
The equipment provided by Baharkam Polri to the Bali Police consisted of four four four-wheeled redouble cabin vehicles, two-wheeled vehicles 10 units, safety helmets for patrols 300 pieces, safety vests 2,400 pieces, rain shield 800 units, 1,400 couplings and 1,200 handcuffs.
The giving of altus to the tourism police, said Fadil, followed up on the order of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to strengthen security in tourism areas.
Apart from Bali, the National Police also pays attention to other Super Priority Destinations, namely Borobudur Temple, Lake Toba, Likupang, Mandalika and Labuan Bajo.
The handover of the Baharkam Polri almatsus to the Bali Police is also to improve the function of Sabhara in charge of securing tourism lodging places ahead of the World Water Forum 10 in Nusa Dua.
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