Ministry Of Religion Provides Special Services For 45,678 Elderly Hajj Candidates
Illustration - A number of elderly pilgrims are waiting for their turn to distribute bracelets and passports in the Hajj dormitory. BETWEEN PHOTO/Fenty Selly/aww

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion has provided a number of special services provided to 45,678 elderly pilgrims during the Hajj season 1445 Hijri/2024 AD.

A number of efforts have been made, such as placing pilgrims in priority seats (businesses) on flights, either heading to the Holy Land or later when they return to their homeland, as well as opening the quota of assistants for elderly pilgrims.

"We specifically allocate the quota of assistants for elderly pilgrims. This is part of the Ministry of Religion's efforts to realize Hajj for the elderly," said Ministry of Religion spokesman Anna Hasbie as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 13.

Based on the evaluation of the 2023 Hajj implementation, said Anna, there are a number of elderly service needs that cannot be optimally accessed by officers. For this reason, the existence of a companion who is generally a family is important.

"There is a need for services in the bathroom which may be more appropriate if the family is accompanying the elderly. Until this detail, Gus Men's attention (Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas) is so that the congregation is comfortable worshiping," he said.

Another effort, he said, was to release Hajj exercises with movements that were also elderly friendly. The goal is to make it practical for elderly pilgrims to maintain their fitness and health.

"The gymnastics movement is formulated by experts in their fields, including taking into account the condition of the elderly. This movement can be done while on an airplane or at a congregational hotel," said Anna.

As an effort, Anna continued, the Ministry of Religion has also initiated a number of elderly friendly programs from within the country, such as manasik guidance with relief, a short ceremony for a maximum of 30 minutes and two remarks, as well as priority services in Hajj dormitories in the form of meals with special menus and room placements on the lower floors.

Then, special services for elderly pilgrims specifically become the attention of the Ministry of Religion through the Directorate General of Hajj and Umrah (PHU), by issuing Circular No. 2 of 2024 concerning the Government Mechanism and the Preparation of Pramanifes.

This circular is addressed to Heads of PHU fields throughout Indonesia, Heads of Regency/City Ministry of Religion Offices throughout Indonesia, Chairpersons of Hajj Embarkation Organizers, and Chairs of Saudi Arabian Hajj Organizers.

"The circular is prepared with the aim of giving priority services to the elderly pilgrims," said Anna Hasbie.

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