West Java Education Office Promises Strict Rules For Release Of Students In The Aftermath Of A Deadly Bus Accident In Ciater
Bus group tourism students at SMK Lingga Kencana Depok accident in Ciater, Subang, Saturday 11 May. (Between)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) and the West Java Province Education Office (Disdik) will follow up on the bus accident incident in Subang that happened to students of SMK Lingga Kencana Depok.

"Currently, we are continuing to coordinate closely with the West Java Provincial Education Office and SMK Lingga Kencana Depok regarding developments," said the Daily Executive Head of the Cooperation Bureau, and Public Relations of the Ministry of Education and Culture Anang Ristanto, Sunday, May 12, as reported by Antara.

Anang said that the Ministry of Education and Culture had visited the victim's family to express their condolences directly to the bereaved family.

He emphasized that education units must prioritize the safety of students in all forms of learning and the teaching and learning process carried out.

"We extend our deepest condolences to the family, friends, and all the school residents who have been lost and affected by this heartbreaking incident," said Anang.

Meanwhile, Head of the Bogor-Depok Regional II Branch Office (KCD) of the West Java Education Office, Asep Sudarsono, said that his party was conducting an evaluation regarding the release of students after the bus accident.

Asep ensured that the West Java Education Office would make strict regulations so that similar incidents did not occur because they were very detrimental to various parties.

He explained that his party had issued a circular (SE) so that the release ceremony would be held simply but the parents requested that the release of students who graduated be carried out outside.

"Disdik Jabar has issued a circular so that the implementation of the release of students is as simple as possible. Because parents want it, maybe the last time they want it to be carried out outside," said Asep.

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