VIDEO: Tolerance In Indonesia Is There Only Jempol Belaka?
VIDEO: Tolerance In Indonesia Is There Only Jempol Belaka? (VOI Video graphics Team)

JAKARTA - A number of Catholic students held Rosario's worship in the Setu area, South Tangerang. However, the worship must be completed and disbanded by unscrupulous people on Sunday, May 5, 2024 at 7.30 pm.

Initially the disbandment was initiated by the head of the local RT who then brought a number of people to result in acts of violence against students. From this incident, the police have named four suspects, including the head of the RT with the initials D, I, S, and A. The four suspects were threatened with 5 years and 6 months in prison based on Article 170 of the Criminal Code. It is known that D and I have a role to shout and intimidate these students, while S and A have a role to threaten the participants of the worship using a knife type knife.

And the evidence that was confiscated by the police included video recordings, three knife-type knife blades, and 2 t-shirts. Warganet also commented on the @voidotid Instagram page, saying that Indonesia had an emergency tolerance, to insinuating the community as the committee of heaven. From the results of the VOI team's search, there have been 65 cases of intolerance throughout 2019 to 2023.

And the peak occurred in 2023 with 30 cases of intolerance. The three biggest reasons for the conflict between religious communities include: the difficulty of obtaining permits to build houses of worship, the use of shop houses or private houses as places of worship, and performing worship is not in its place. And the three forms of intolerance that often occur in Indonesia are: vandalism and throwing places of worship, refusing to hold worship using places of residence with dissolution and sealing, to demonstrations to reject the construction of houses of worship. Watch the video below.

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