Mount Ibu In West Halmahera Rises Status So Alert
The volcanic ash column soared out of the crater of Mount Ibu in North Maluku, Wednesday (8/5/2024). (ANTARA/HO-PVMBG)

JAKARTA - The Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (PVMBG) announced the increase in the status of Mount Ibu in West Halmahera, North Maluku, from previously alert level II to level III alert.

Head of PVMBG, Hendra Gunawan, said that since mid-April 2024, visual activity and seismicity, especially volcanic earthquakes, have shown a significant increase.

"The height of the eruption column tends to increase with the ejection of incandescent rock," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 8.

From April 16 to May 8, 2024, seismic activity recorded on Mount Ibu, namely 130 earthquake eruptions, 8 earthquake avalanches, 1,445 gusts, 53 harmonic earthquakes, 9 tornillo earthquakes.

Then, as many as 6,742 shallow volcanic earthquakes, 116 deep volcanic earthquakes, 15 local tectonic earthquakes, 231 distant tectonic earthquakes, and 1 earthquake was felt.

PVMBG recommends residents around Mount Ibu not to climb and approach the mountain within a 3-kilometer radius and a 5-kilometer sectoral expansion towards the crater opening in the northern part of the active crater.

"If ash rains, people who are active outside the home are advised to use the nose, mouth, and eyes," said Hendra.

Residents in Duono, Tukuoko, Goin, Togorebasu, Sangajinyeku, Toguis, Tokoke, and Borona villages located more than 4 kilometers from the crater opening in the northern part must increase vigilance while still complying with directions from local governments.

Hendra said the level of activity of Mount Ibu would be re-evaluated periodically or if there were significant changes.

"The level of activity is considered fixed if the next evaluation has not been issued," he concluded.

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