Car Hit By Train In Pasuruan, 4 People Died
Officers evacuated a train accident in Pasuruan, East Java, Tuesday (7/5/2024) BETWEEN/HO-Screenshot

Four people died in a minibus accident numbered N-1475-WU who was hit by a train in Patuguran Village, Rejoso District, Pasuruan Regency, East Java.

"There were four train accidents without latches between the minibus and the Pandalungan Train, three people died at the scene and one person died in hospital," he said.

Kasubdit Gakkum Ditlantas Polda Jatim AKBP Wayan Purwa dikutip ANTARA, Selasa, 7 Mei.

The minibus vehicle of the Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School driven by M Rofiq Abdila was traveling from south to north while crossing the railroad crossing without a doorstop.

"It is suspected that he did not pay attention to the right and left, so he was hit by KA Pandalungan No. Loko CC30107 which runs from west to east to Gambir - Jember," he said.

From the data collected, as a result of the accident, the driver of the minibus M Rofiq Abdilah suffered minor injuries being treated at the Rejoso Health Center.

Then the minibus passenger with Moch Afullah was injured and treated at the Rejoso Health Center. Furthermore, the Nasruna minibus passenger was injured and treated at the Rejoso Health Center.

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