May Daya, Puan Reminds Protection For Free Workers
Chairman of the House of Representatives and Chairperson of the PDIP DPP Puan Maharani (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, reminded employers to provide protection to freelance or seasonal workers during the momentum of International Labor Day or May Day 2024 which is celebrated every May 1.

"The employer is obliged to provide protection to workers or casual daily workers based on the provisions that pass by in accordance with the work category," said Puan in her statement, Wednesday, May 1.

Puan asked the government to pay more attention to workers or freelancers in Indonesia, considering that the number reaches more than 30 million people.

"The government must also pay attention to justice for all types of workers or workers," he said.

In addition to ensuring that freelancers get their rights, Puan added that the government also needs to increase the number of vocational programs aimed at freelance workers.

"Especially in the era of technological advances and developments like today, many current generations have chosen to become freelancers," he said.

Puan also hopes that the commemoration of International Labor Day 2024 can be used as a momentum to appreciate the struggles and performance of workers in building the nation.

"For all Indonesian workers or workers, congratulations on commemorating International Labor Day. The dedication of workers in developing this country is very large. You are all very instrumental in building the nation," he said.

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