Chicken Meat Stock In Babylon 459.2 Tons At Normal Price
Illustration of chicken meat sellers in the market/ Photo: Antara

JAKARTA - The Department of Industry and Trade (Disperindag) of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province stated that the stock of broiler meat in the Babel Islands is 459.2 tons and is sufficient to meet the needs of the people in the area.

"We make sure the stock of chicken meat is sufficient and the price is stable," said Head of the Babel Islands Province Industry and Trade Office Tarmin AB, Antara, Sunday, April 21.

He said as many as 459.2 tons of broiler meat were spread across five distributors from Bangka and Belitung Islands.

"This week there will be an additional 50 tons of this broiler to strengthen the stock of chicken meat," he said.

He stated that currently the price of broiler meat at the Pangkalpinang Development Market still remains normal at Rp. 32,000 per kilogram and chicken meat at Rp. 65,000 per kilogram.

Meanwhile, the price of broiler eggs also persists at IDR 32,000 per kilogram and chicken eggs at IDR 75,000 per kilogram.

"Today's red-Sunday demand for chicken meat increased compared to the previous day, but it did not affect prices because the stock was quite large," he said.

According to him, to meet the needs of community chicken meat, distributors still rely on supplies from outside the region, because the production of local broiler breeders is still limited.

"Currently, the provincial government continues to encourage the community to develop this broiler and laying chicken farm business, in order to reduce commodity supply dependence from outside the region," he said.

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