The Ministry Of Social Affairs Distributes Aid For Earthquake Victims Of Mount Space
Photo: Doc. Antara

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) has distributed various assistance to the community of victims of the Mount Ruang eruption in Siau Tagulandang Biaro Islands Regency (Sitaro), North Sulawesi Province (Sulut). In a release broadcast by the Ministry of Social Affairs in Jakarta, Saturday 20 April, the ministry immediately dispatched a team to the disaster location as well as distributed various aids from Sentra Tumo Tou Manado. In addition to bringing logistical assistance, we also brought nurses and psychologists as well as psychologists.' We cooperated with the local Health Service to deal with refugees,' said Head of Sentra Tumo Tou Manado Ministry of Social Affairsmenda Saryati Aryani, as reported by Antara.Coordination of Tamulandang Island bordering with the Southern Philippines makes the Ministry of Social Affairs cooperate with the TNI Navy (AL) to bring and distribute aid. The team deployed consists of the Ministry of Social and Natural Disaster Protection Directorate (PSKBA) team of Social and Natural Disaster Victims (PSKBA) The Ministry of Social Affairs, taskforce, Sentra Tumou Tou Manado along with staff, Head of Social Protection and Security Division of the North Sulawesi Social Service, as well as Taruna Disaster Alert (Tagana) North Sulawesi. "We departed from the Port of the Limited Patrol Unit (Satroltas), Bitung, Manado, towards Tagulandang Island by using KRI Kakap 811 TNI AL. This sea trip was taken for 6 hours," said Task Force of the Ministry of Social Affairs Devario Ardiansyahrul Ozifeiira. Ardian package ready-ready at the port of Tagulandang Island, 500 packages of food, 100 packages of mature sandang, 150 packages of clothing, package support, 160 packages of the local community. The Ministry of Social Affairs has also set up tents for public kitchens and refugee logistics storage in Angsala Village, Sitaro Regency. As for assistance from the logistic warehouse of Sentra Tou Manado which was brought to the location in the form of a 500 packet ready-to-eat food, 500 packages, 500 packages of children.

His party also set up a public kitchen to meet the needs of the refugees. Meanwhile, the stone rain from the explosive eruption of Mount Ruang caused PLN to carry out temporary power outages to anticipate the occurrence of fires. Seeing this condition, the Ministry of Social Affairs has also brought an additional 5 units of generators to help with lighting at evacuation posts. In addition to providing logistical assistance, the Ministry of Social Affairs will also start providing Psychosocial Support Services (LDP) since Friday 19 April 2024.

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