PPP: The Effect Of Sandiaga Uno Has Not Been Seen, The Proof Is That The Sound Has Even Dropped
Member of the DPP Court of the United Development Party (PPP) Abdullah Mansyur (left)/PHOTO: Wardhany Tsa Tsia-VOI

JAKARTA - Member of the DPP Court of the United Development Party (PPP) Abdullah Mansyur alluded to Sandiaga Uno's presence as Chairman of the Election Winning Body (Bappilu) which has not had a significant influence. The proof is that the United Development Party (PPP) still gets 3.87 percent of the votes in the 2024 Legislative Election.

"If you look at the quantitative data, the effect of Bang Sandi is not yet visible if the data is qualitative, yes, that's it. The proof is that it actually went down," Abdullah told reporters at the Media Center TPN Ganjar-Mahfud, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 21.

Sandiaga as Bappilu will also later get an evaluation from the party's central deliberation board. He is also required to submit an accountability report.

Even so, Abdullah also agreed that there were other factors in the precedent for not passing the party bearing the ka'bah symbol to parliament. "What are the only factors, we have not been able to express this specifically," he said.

Meanwhile, in terms of internal factors, Abdullah said, there should be no problem. This is because Mardiono's party is considered not to be in a conflict with the 2019 election.

"Actually, if we are internal, it is solid. If we compare it with the 2019 election at that time, the effect of the 2014 conflict still exists, it's still felt," Abdullah said.

"Now there is no conflict. So internally we are quite soft and are ready to face yesterday's election," he concluded.

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