VIDEO: KPU Announces List Of Political Parties That Passed To The Indonesian House Of Representatives, No PSI And PPP
VIDEO: KPU Announces List Of Political Parties Qualifying For DPR RI, No PSI And PPP. (VOI Video graphics Team)

JAKARTA - For more than a month political parties have been waiting for the vote count from the General Elections Commission. Now the wait has been answered, some are happy, but some are disappointed. And the following is a list of political parties that have successfully qualified for Senayan.

The General Election Commission officially announced the results of the 2024 General Election recapitulation on Wednesday night, March 20. Based on Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections, political parties entitled to the seat of members of the DPR RI are political parties that have managed to pocket a minimum of 4 percent of valid votes on a national scale. The contest for seats for members of the DPR RI is divided into 84 electoral districts. There are 8 political parties that have successfully passed the seat quota in the DPR RI. Watch the video below


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