Three Motorcycle Thieves Arrested By Police While In Action At Dakota Kemayoran Flat
Three Motorcycle Thieves Arrested By Police While In Action At Dakota Kemayoran Flat

JAKARTA - Three motorcycle theft perpetrators were arrested by members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kemayoran Police while in action in the Dakota Flats area, Jalan Rusun Dakota 7B/104, RT 07/11, Kebon Blank Village, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Friday, March 15. The head of the Kemayoran Police, Kompol Arnold Julius Simanjuntak, confirmed the arrest of the perpetrator of the motorcycle theft. "There were three perpetrators who were arrested. The evidence confiscated was a white Honda Scoopy unit with the number B 3472 PEJ," he said when confirmed by VOI, Friday, March 15. The arrest of the perpetrator was carried out on Friday morning at around 03.30 WIB. When arrested, the perpetrator was also the target of angry residents' tantrums for his actions. Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Kemayoran Police, Bripka Ricky Sihite, added that the three perpetrators were known to have the initials IWAS, AG and WA. "The perpetrators of the initials IWAS and AG residents of Cengkareng Village, Kalideres District, West Jakarta. Meanwhile, WA came from Palembang," he added. The three perpetrators are still undergoing investigation at the Kemayoran Police Headquarters. The police are also still exploring the chronology of the theft of the motorbike carried out by the theft gang.

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