16-year-old Girl Gives Birth Behind The House, Parents Are Annoyed To Report Her Child's Girlfriend To The Resort Police
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JEPARA The first case, a young man with the initials KP (23) molested his own girlfriend, who is a 16-year-old girl and is still in school. The depraved act was carried out by KP, after threatening to spread a video of a nasty scene if the victim did not want to comply with his request.

Jepara Police Chief AKBP Wahyu Nugroho Setyawan said that the KP suspect had molested his 16-year-old girlfriend six times. Obscenity was first carried out in the Prawean Beach area, Jepara,

"Initially the victim and the suspect loved each other and then during sexual intercourse or sexual immorality for the first time in the Prawean Beach area. Unbeknownst to the victim, the sexual intercourse was recorded by the KP suspect, until the video continued to be used as a suspect to threaten the victim of further intercourse. This action has occurred six times," said the Jepara Police Chief in a written statement, Friday, March 1.

Because the perpetrator continued to threaten the victim, the Police Chief continued to explain, making the victim not dare to report the case. Until finally the victim became pregnant and gave birth to a boy behind his house, the victim's parents immediately reported the KP to the police.

"For a long time, it happened repeatedly and finally it was discovered by the victim's biological mother who made the report. We finally arrested the perpetrator," said AKBP Wahyu.

Now, the perpetrators are charged with Article 81 and/or Article 82 of Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning Child Protection. With a minimum penalty of 5 years in prison and a maximum of 15 years and a maximum fine of IDR 5 billion in Rupiah.

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