The Capital Authority of the Archipelago (OIKN) revealed that IKN first operated on August 17, 2024, to coincide with the celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia in Nusantara, East Kalimantan.
"IKN operates for the first time on August 17, 2024, IKN must be inaugurated by President Joko Widodo and at a very significant national event. On August 17 is a very historic day for all of us so that day is suitable to be used as a symbol of the first day of IKN," said Deputy for Facilities and Infrastructure OIKN Silvia Halim in Tangerang Regency, Banten, Antara, Thursday, February 22.
Silvia said that regarding preparations for the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia this year at IKN, OIKN also focuses on ensuring the availability of accommodation and mobility for guests who will attend and the community who will witness the inaugural Independence Day Ceremony in the archipelago, East Kalimantan.
"Certainly what is very crucial is the availability of accommodation and mobility for guests who come to attend the Independence Day Ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 2024 at IKN.," he said.
In addition, OIKN also ensures food availability in order to fulfill thousands of people who will attend the celebration of the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia.
"Yesterday, we also held talks to ensure food availability, because it is to meet the needs of thousands of people who attend the Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony at IKN," said Silvia.
For information, the celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 2024, in the State Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago, East Kalimantan, became the starting point for the gradual transfer of the nation's capital from DKI Jakarta to Nusantara.
President Joko Widodo plans to celebrate the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia at IKN Nusantara on August 17, 2024.
The 2022-2024 period is an initial transfer to IKN Nusantara, carrying out major infrastructure developments such as the Presidential Palace, the MPR/DPR Building, and housing, which also includes the initial transfer of ASN.
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17 July 2023, 19:36