KPAI Finds Minors As Jurkam Contestants For The 2024 Election
Photo Illustration: Antara

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) found minors to be campaigners (jurkam) for candidate pairs (paslon) to certain legislative candidates (caleg) in Jakarta. The jurkam of the child found was still 5 - 15 years old.

KPAI member in the Civil Rights and Freedom cluster Badminton Maria, jurkam involved children aged kindergarten to junior high school.

"We have coordinated with Bareskrim Polri to find the video maker. We will immediately coordinate with Bawaslu," saidLA when contacted, Tuesday, January 23.

She said that she got the exploitation findings from videos circulating on social media. Until now, his party is still investigating who is behind the exploitation of children in the 2024 election.

"Indeed, there are children who are exploited by being used as 'promptive campaigners' or applicants for certain candidates. Who are adults around children who are the perpetrators, it is not clear. Because the case occurred in the digital space, through videos circulating on various platforms," he said.

Badminton said, there are three cases being investigated by KPAI that occur in children campaigning for candidate pairs with different combinations of exploitation.

"One case of children being paid to get voter support, a combination of exploitation of children as users as well as money politics targets. One case is not direct, where children are directed by political party leaders to identify certain numbers with candidate pairs," he said.

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