4 Out Of 142 Terrorism Suspects Arrested By Densus 88 On Duty To Raise Funds Through Social Activities
Spokesperson for the National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88, Kombes Aswin Siregar (Photo: DOK VOI/Rizky AP)
JAKARTA - Densus 88 Anti-terror arrested four people who were involved in financing criminal acts of terrorism. They are members of the Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) to Jamaah Ansharusy Syariah (JAS) network. "There are four suspects from the 142 that we have imposed on terrorism financing articles," said the spokesman for the National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88, Kombes Aswin Siregar, to reporters, Wednesday, November 20. Of the four suspects, two of them are JI networks. They raise funds by holding activities with social and educational themes on behalf of certain foundations. "In the end, the funds were channeled to the JI group," he said. Then, there is also one suspect from the JAS network. The suspect, whose identity has not been identified, collected money by raising funds on social media. As it turned out, the data collected was used to send several people to Syria. Finally, from the Anshor Daulah or AD group. The mode of collecting money by utilizing a foundation under the name World Human Care. "The results (of the collected funds) were sent to Syria in the form of crypto," said Aswin. Previously, it was reported that the National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88 arrested 142 terrorism suspects in the 2023 period. From the results of the investigation, they are included in five terrorism networks. Mentioned, of the hundreds of terrorism suspects, 29 of them are the Jamaah Anshor Daulah or JAD network, 49 are Abu Oemar or AO groups, and 7 are from the Jamaah Ansharusy Syariah or JAS network.
Then, 50 people from the Jamaah Islamiyah or JI groups, and 5 who are Indonesian Islamic State or NII networks.

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