Refusing To Be Invited To Treatment To A Mental Hospital, ODGJ In Pulogadung Evacuated By Officers From The 2nd Floor Of His House
Officers secured an ODGJ man in Pisangan Lama III, Pulogadung, East Jakarta/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - A man with a mental disorder (ODGJ) was forced to be evacuated by officers from the 2nd floor of his house on Jalan Pisangan lama III, Pulogadung, East Jakarta.

The family asked for help from the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. for being overwhelmed when they wanted to take him to the hospital for treatment.

"The object that was evacuated was ODGJ," said Head of East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept., Gatot Sulaeman when confirmed, Wednesday, December 20.

When the officer arrived at the complainant's house, the ODGJ with the initials IF (45) still insisted on refusing to be invited to the hospital. The officers who evacuated were also overwhelmed because IF continued to struggle.

IF was evacuated using a stretcher belonging to officers from the house located on Pisangan Lama III Street, RT 011/03, East Pisangan Village, Pulogadung District, East Jakarta.

IF's body was laid on a stretcher and tied with a rope to keep IF's position safe.

"The IF was evacuated from the 2nd floor, he could not go down because he would be referred to the Duren Sawit Hospital for psychiatric treatment," he said.

A total of 8 rescue officers were dispatched to the evacuation site. The evacuation lasted for 35 minutes.

"At around 12.45 WIB, IF was successfully evacuated smoothly," he said.

Furthermore, IF was taken to Duren Sawit Hospital, East Jakarta, for further treatment.

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