Secretary-General Of The Berkarya Party For Group Tommy Soeharto. Please Mr. Muchdi Pr Appeal
Tommy Soeharto (DOK. ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Secretary-General of Tommy Soeharto's Berkarya Party, Priyo Budi Santoso, responded to the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN) decision canceling the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights on the management of the DPP Berkarya Muchdi PR.

Priyo said this decision meant returning the Berkarya Party to its rightful party. Also, Priyo believes that the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly will see the ruling comprehensively and fairly to provide a sense of justice.

"This decision returns the Berkarya Party to its rightful party. We believe that the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly is ultimately pleased to see the PTUN's decision comprehensively, fairly, and wisely in the framework of law enforcement and a sense of justice", Priyo said in a written statement to reporters, Thursday, 18 February.

He also invited Muchdi Pr's camp to file an appeal if they were not satisfied with the result of the verdict.

"Please, go ahead if Mr. Muchdi will appeal", he said.

Priyo also conveyed a message from Hutomo Mandala Putra alias Tommy Soeharto asking his cadres to work hand in hand to carry out reconciliation within the party.

"General Chairman Mas Tommy Soeharto advised the whole family of the Berkarya Party that it is time to work hand in hand, we will carry out reconciliation together", he said.

Previously, Tommy Soeharto won a lawsuit against the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly at the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN). Tommy sued the Berkarya Party's Ministry of Law and Human Rights decree under the leadership of Muchdi Purwopranjono (Muchdi Pr).

The Jakarta PTUN Decision Number 182/G/2020/PTUN.JKT was knocked on February 16. As the plaintiff, namely the Berkarya Party Central Leadership Council represented by Hutomo Mandala Putra. Meanwhile, the defendant is the Minister of Law and Human Rights.

"Judging in the main case; to grant the lawsuit in its entirety, ”said the verdict of the Jakarta State Administrative Court quoted in the Directory of the Supreme Court, Wednesday, February 17.

In its decision, the PTUN panel declared the cancellation of the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number M.HH-16.01 Year 2020 concerning Ratification of Amendments to the Party's Articles of Association and Bylaws dated 30 July 2020 and Decree of the Menkum HAM Number M.HH-17.AH.11.01 2020 concerning Ratification of Changes in the Composition of the Working Party Central Executive Board for the period 2020-2025 dated July 30, 2020.

Meanwhile, Muchdi Pr's Berkarya Party said that it would appeal against the verdict.

"By granting the plaintiff's lawsuit against two RI Kemenkumham Decrees, we will continue to pursue legal action by filing an appeal against the State Administrative Court's decision", Muchdi said in a video statement, Wednesday, February 17.

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