There Is No Influence Of Drugs That Melatari The Father Has The Heart To Turn His Son To Death
North Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Gidion/ Photo: IST

North Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Gidion Arif Setyawan spoke about the incident of an aniya child's father to death in Muara Baru, Penjaringan. Kombes Gidion explained, after the alleged perpetrator was subjected to an intensive examination, it was discovered that U (49), was a negative of drugs. Previously, the police suspected that U was under the influence of drugs.

Still, Gidion said, his party had checked the laboratory for the content of prohibited substances in his body. However, the alleged perpetrator was conscious in carrying out the persecution.

"And we have carried out a laboratory examination of urine samples and showed negative drugs and negative other dangerous drugs," he said.

"This means that when he does that (violence) is in an accountable psychological physical condition," he continued.

The next step, continued Gidion, is that the alleged perpetrator will be subjected to a psychiatric check to find out whether there is a mental disorder or not.

"The next investigation is psychological. (Because) Maybe in an acute emotional condition, we will explore again what the background of the problem was before the incident occurred," he said.

Therefore, to strengthen the alleged criminal act of U, his party is still waiting for the autopsy results of the 9-year-old boy.

"(In the video) describe acts of violence by someone against their child, hitting and slamming until he has a head wound, bleeding from the nose. For the cause of death, we are still waiting for the results of the autopsy," he concluded.

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