Father Slams Child To Death In Muara Baru, Neighbors Watch
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JAKARTA still attached to a pile of 4 children died when their biological father died in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta. Now, a similar incident has occurred in Muara Baru, Penjaringan, North Jakarta. A child with the initials K (9) alias Awan died after being slammed by his father, U (49).

Residents did not expect the father to have the heart to do this to his biological child. According to Abdul Rahman, the head of RT 02/RW 017, Penjaringan Village, Awan previously experienced persecution before being slammed.

"The plane was beaten, then kicked in the leg until it fell. Then after that it appeared that his father had picked him up, he thought he wanted to be taken home, did not expect the mothers to see him slammed," said Abdul Rahman, Antara, Wednesday night, December 13.

According to Abdul, his father's action was caught on CCTV cameras at around 14.00 WIB. After that, the victim was immediately taken by her biological father to the hospital because the Cloud appeared unconscious.

Residents do not know the whereabouts of Awan's mother, whose initials were H when the incident occurred. It is suspected that H was out of the house.

Until now, Abdul does not know for sure what the motive behind U had the heart to persecute his son to death.

However, from the CCTV footage, it can be seen that the father who is a daily worker in Muara Baru is very emotional to see his son.

Clouds are the third of four children. The children live in a fairly simple place to live. He also dropped out of school.

Now, U is being held accountable by the North Jakarta Metro Police.

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