Cases Of Domestic Violence Rise, DKI Provincial Government Asked To Open Complaint Posts For Every RW
Illustration of violence in children (ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission E for People's Welfare of the DKI Jakarta DPRD suggested that the DKI Provincial Government through the Department of Empowerment, Child Protection and Population Control (PPAPP) open a complaint post for each unit of residents (RW) for cases of domestic violence (KDRT). RW, later officers can provide socialization to the public so that they can know the conditions experienced. Actually, I think this incident happened a lot but it was not revealed, so diligently socialize and listen to public complaints," said Iman in his statement, Tuesday, December 12. Commission E, continued Iman, also asked the DKI PPAPP Office to provide psychiatrists and psychologists at each post. This is to provide counseling on household matters, provide assistance, to help restore the trauma of the victims of domestic violence. "So if anything can run to that place, now it must be close to the community. If at the sub-district level, the coverage is reduced again, if possible there must be an RW post," said Iman. On the one hand, Iman also appealed to domestic violence victims to immediately report and not be ashamed or afraid when they get domestic violence. So, this is expected to minimize cases and victims of violence. "This domestic violence is a bit difficult, yes, there is Those who are afraid to report, there are those who are afraid to be brought to the surface, shame, and others, "he said. The DKI Jakarta PPAPP Service recorded 1,089 cases of violence from January to August 2023. The cases that occurred in January were 132 cases, February 126 cases, March 159 cases, April 77 cases, May 141 cases, June 133 cases, July 139 cases, and August 182 cases. The most cases of violence that occurred during 2023 were in East Jakarta. "There were 314 cases. Violence in East Jakarta, 145 cases in Central Jakarta, 199 cases in North Jakarta, 198 cases in West Jakarta, 232 cases in South Jakarta, and 1 case in the Thousand Islands," said Acting Head of the PPAPP Office Rizky Hamid in his statement. Rizky said, victims of violence against children over the past eight months were 591 cases and women 598 cases. "Violence victims with ages of 0-17 years were 591 cases, 18-24 years 139 cases, 25-29 years were 353 cases, and the elderly were above 60 "year 6 cases," said Rizky. Meanwhile, there were 266 cases of violence who were the victim's husband, 128 cases of parents, 68 families, 164 girlfriends, 103 neighbors, 250 cases, and 46 cases unknown. The number of perpetrators of violence in the age range 0-17 years was 93 cases, 18-24 years as many as 151 cases, 25-59 years as many as 714 cases, over 60 years as many as 23 cases, and 44 cases of unknown age as perpetrators.

"The most case categories until August 2023 are sexual violence with 383 cases, domestic violence 330 cases, physical violence 161 cases, psychological violence 125 cases, human trafficking 38 cases, and other cases 52 cases," explained Rizky. Furthermore, the cases of violence reported to the DKI PPAPP Office in 2019 were 1179 cases, in 2020 there were 947 cases, in 2021 there were 1313 cases, and in 2022 there were 1455 cases.

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