The Killer Of 4 Children In Jagakarsa Wants To Watch The Funeral Process At The Perigi Sawangan TPU
Photo: (Rizky Sulistio/VOI)

JAKARTA - The killer of his four biological children in Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, Panca Darmansyah admitted that he wanted to see the funeral procession at the Parigi Sawangan Public Cemetery (TPU), Depok, West Java.

This was conveyed by the suspect's attorney, Amriadi Pasaribu, who was present at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital Funeral Home, East Jakarta.

"His message is actually about the children who have died, wanting to see the last funeral," Amriadi Pasaribu told reporters at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, Sunday, December 10.

According to Amriadi, the suspect regretted his actions.

"Pesan dari P dia merasa sad. Dia hanya menyampaikan itu saja," ucapnya.

Previously, it was reported that the bodies of the four children who were killed by their biological fathers had been dispatched using two ambulances.

One unit of the hearse of the Police Hospital in gray carrying the coffins of Arsakha Rasyid and Sovia Khaira D.

Meanwhile, the white hearse contained the bodies of Askhara Kenzo and Viona Audrey.

The four coffins have been dispatched to Perigi Sawangan TPU, Al Mukhlisin Mosque Street, Depok, West Java, Sunday at around 14.57 WIB.

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