Tommy Soeharto Wins In Court, Muchdi Pr's Berkarya Party Will File An Appeal For PTUN Decision
Illustration / Pixabay

JAKARTA - The chairman of the Berkarya Party, Muchdi Purwopranjono (Muchdi Pr), will appeal the ruling of the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN).

This effort was made after the Jakarta Administrative Court granted the lawsuit filed by Hutomo Mandala Putra, also known as Tommy Soeharto.

"By granting the plaintiff's lawsuit against two RI Kemenkumham Decrees, we will continue to pursue legal action by filing an appeal against the State Administrative Court's decision," Muchdi said in a video statement, Wednesday, February 17.

The Jakarta PTUN Decision Number 182 / G / 2020 / PTUN.JKT was knocked on February 16. In its decision, the PTUN panel declared the cancellation of the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number M.HH-16.01 of 2020 concerning Ratification of Amendments to the Party's Articles of Association and Bylaws dated 30 July 2020 and the Decree of the Menkum HAM Number M.HH-17.AH .11.01 Year 2020 concerning Ratification of Changes in the Composition of the Working Party Central Executive Board for the period 2020-2025 dated July 30, 2020.

There was also an appeal decision made because the process being undertaken, starting from the preparation of the Extraordinary National Conference (Munaslub), which was implemented from 10-12 July 2020, has been carried out based on the Rules of Association and Bylaws (AD / ART) of the Working Party and legislation applicable.

With this appeal decision, Muchdi Pr asked all party cadres and administrators at all levels to remain solid and run as usual until a decision has permanent legal force or inkhracht.

In addition, Kemenkumham Decrees Number 16 and 17 dated July 30 are still valid and valid until this legal remedy is completed.

As previously reported, this Decree of the Menkum HAM was what made Tommy Soeharto kicked out after the emergence of the Berkarya leadership, the leadership of Muchdi Pr.

The following is the verdict of the Jakarta State Administrative Court in favor of Tommy Soeharto

Adjudicate in the subject matter:

1. To grant the lawsuit in its entirety

2. Declare cancel:

- Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number M.HH-16.AH.11.01 Year 2020 concerning Ratification of Amendments to the Articles of Association and Bylaws of the Beringin Karya Party (Berkarya) dated 30 July 2020

- Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number M.HH-17.AH.11.01 Year 2020 concerning Ratification of Changes in the Composition of the Central Executive Board of the Beringin Karya Party (Berkarya) for the period 2020-2025 dated July 30, 2020

Require the Defendant to withdraw

2. Declare cancel:

- Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number M.HH-16.AH.11.01 Year 2020 concerning Ratification of Amendments to the Articles of Association and Bylaws of the Beringin Karya Party (Berkarya) dated 30 July 2020

- Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number M.HH-17.AH.11.01 Year 2020 concerning Ratification of Changes in the Composition of the Central Executive Board of the Beringin Karya Party (Berkarya) for the period 2020-2025 dated July 30, 2020

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