Cak Imin Explains The Reason Why PKB Agrees To The DKJ Bill To Be Discussed Even Though It Rejects Regulation Of The Governor Of Jakarta Appointed By The President
Vice President Muhaimin Iskandar/PHOTO: Diah Ayu-VOI

JAKARTA - Candidate for vice president number 1, Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin), explained the reason why the PKB faction of the DPR was one of the factions that approved the Draft Law on Special Regions of Jakarta (RUU DKJ) as a proposal for the DPR initiative.

PKB, said Cak Imin, did agree even though it added that the record of rejecting the rules regarding the Governor and Deputy Governor of Jakarta was appointed and dismissed by the President.

This is because there must be regulations governing the status and direction of Jakarta's development after the move of the capital city to Nusantara, East Kalimantan, namely the DKJ Bill as a revision of Law Number 29 of 2007 concerning the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.

"In principle, it's a necessity law, that's what we support. Because, if there is no law, it's dangerous, DKI doesn't hold on because it's not the capital city anymore, right," said Cak Imin when met in Cibubur, East Jakarta.

Therefore, the General Chairperson of the PKB said that his party continues to provide notes to reject regional head elections in Jakarta by directly appointing the President and still using the regional elections.

"In that note, we agree that the election (pilkada) must still be there for DKI, because DKI does not have a regent. The only governor is this," said Cak Imin.

Cak Imin will also instruct the PKB faction of the DPR to express his attitude towards rejecting the rules contained in Article 10 of the DKJ Bill in the discussion in the future.

"The faction has given an attitude that it will not be praised if it is not a direct election," he added.

The Draft Law on the Province of the Special Region of Jakarta (RUU DKJ) was officially approved as a proposal for the DPR initiative. One of the rules, namely Article 10, states that the Governor and Deputy Governor of DKJ are appointed, appointed, and dismissed by the President by taking into account the DPRD's proposal or opinion.

The decision was made in the 10th Plenary Meeting of the DPR RI Session Period II of the 2023-2024 Session Year at the Parliament Building, Senayan. The draft preparation of the DKJ Bill was previously discussed at the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR.

Deputy Chairman of the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR Achmad Baidowi alias Awiek clarified the rules for the Governors of DKJ to be elected by the President to emphasize the particularity of Jakarta after his status was no longer the nation's capital.

"In particularity given, we agree that the most important priority is in the government system," said Awiek at the DPR building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, December 5.

Then, to bridge the political desire between those who want specialties to be directly appointed from this rule, the DPR added that the rules that the appointment and dismissal of the Governors of DKJ pay attention to the opinion of the DPRD.

The middle way, according to Awiek, remains based on the principles of democracy. Because the election, even though it is not direct, still goes through a mechanism from the DPRD.

"That's the democratic process there. So it's not completely the democratic process is gone. Because democracy doesn't have to mean direct elections. Indirect elections also mean democracy. So when the DPRD proposes, there the democratic process, so not everything just disappears," said Awiek.

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