30 Kandas Pilkada Results Lawsuit At The Constitutional Court Including Pilgub Of West Sumatra And Central Kalimantan
MK Session (BETWEEN)

JAKARTA - As many as 30 requests for dispute over the results of the 2020 Regional Head Election were decided not to be accepted by the Constitutional Court (MK).

These cases were not accepted because the applicant did not have a legal position and did not meet the threshold for difference in vote acquisition stipulated in Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning Pilkada.

The Constitutional Court is of the opinion that the petitioners' arguments and evidence are not sufficient to give the panel of judges the confidence to deviate from the provisions of the threshold and proceed to proof.

The cases that were not accepted because the applicant did not have legal standing were cases of disputes over the results of the Pilkada of Central Lampung, Karo (2 cases), Sungai Penuh, Mandailing Natal, Bintang Mountains, and Banjar (2 cases).

Subsequently, applications that were not accepted were disputes over the results of the Pilkada of Banggai, Taliabu Island, South Sorong (2 cases), Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan, Tolitoli, Balikpapan, Surabaya, East Kutai, Bintuni Bay, Poso, and Riau Islands.

Then the dispute over the results of the West Sumatra Pilkada (2 cases), Fifty Cities, Pesisir Selatan, Rembang, Kaur, Bengkulu, East Kotawaringin, Central Kalimantan, and Muna.

"Thus the pronouncement of the verdict has been completed, then the Constitutional Court will immediately deliver an official copy of the pronounced decision to the parties after the trial is closed," said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman.

Previously, on Monday, February 15, the Constitutional Court decided 33 requests for dispute over the results of the 2020 Concurrent Regional Head Election not to proceed to the verification stage.

Intermediate decisions are scheduled for February 15-17, while cases that proceed to the next trial will be examined on February 19-March 18, 2021 and decided on March 19-24.

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