Doctor Qory Did Not Withdraw The Police Report On The Domestic Violence Case Carried Out By Her Husband
Deputy for Women's Rights Protection of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Ratna Susianawati. (ANTARA/ Anita Permata Dewi)
JAKARTA - Deputy for Women's Rights Protection of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Ratna Susianawati ensured that doctor Qory Ulfiyah Ramayanti did not withdraw the police report related to cases of domestic violence. "When yesterday there was a discourse that doctor Qory would withdraw the report, with assistance, we provided understanding, it (revocation of the report) was postponed. Finally (there was) the courage to continue this case in the law enforcement process," said Ratna Susianawati in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, November 28. The perpetrator in this domestic violence is the husband of doctor Qory himself. Currently the victim is in a safe place. KemenPPPA, continued Ratna, continues to accompany doctors Qory and their children and ensure their mental health condition is good. "We provide assistance according to the needs of the victims," he said.
Ratna continued, cases of Qory doctors' violence were triggered by economic problems. "Yes, most of the domestic violence issues are triggered by economic problems. How to understand daily needs, especially if there are children, then the position of doctor Qory is pregnant. This is then a separate demand," said Ratna. KemenPPPA appreciates the courage of doctor Qory who has reported the domestic violence case that happened to him. The reason is that not all domestic violence victims dare to report their cases to the authorities. "We finally appreciate that at this point it can be conveyed. Because not all victims ( dare to report)," said Ratna Susianawati. Previously, the case of doctor Qory Ulfiyah Ramayanti circulated on social media, starting when Willy Sulistio, her husband, made a post on social media that his wife disappeared after fighting with her. It turned out that his wife was not missing, but fled from her house in Cibinong, Bogor Regency, West Java, because she had an argument with her husband. Qory went to the Office of the Integrated Service Center for the Protection of Women and Children (P2TP2A) to ask for protection. Then Qory reported her husband to the Bogor Police. The police then named Willy Sulistio as a suspect in a domestic violence case (KDRT) and detained him.

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