The Masyayikh Assembly Calls The Rejection Of Islamic Boarding School Certificates Could End In Lawsuit
Archives. Atmosphere of socialization of the Law on Islamic Boarding Schools at the Roudlotul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, Cidahu, Banten. (ANTARA/HO-Masyayikh Council)

JAKARTA - The Masyayikh Assembly stated that those who refuse to recognize the legality of pesantren diplomas can be legally sued because pesantren education has now received state recognition.

Member of the Masyayikh Assembly, Abdul Ghofur Maimoen, who is called Gus Ghofur, explained that pesantren education received state recognition after the enactment of Law Number 18 of 2019 concerning Islamic Boarding Schools.

"With this recognition, those who do not recognize the legality of the pesantren diploma will face the law," he said as quoted in a press release from the panel in Jakarta, Tuesday, November 21, which was confiscated by Antara.

Gus Ghofur emphasized that the legality of Islamic boarding schools should no longer be questioned after the state confessed to Islamic boarding school education in its original form.

"There should no longer be entities or institutions that refuse Islamic boarding schools with regard to their legality," he said.

He said that the legality issue of Islamic boarding schools had occurred in Blora Regency, Central Java Province, in 2021.

According to him, at that time a village apparatus in Blora named Akhmad Agus Imam Sobirin (41) could not be appointed as village secretary even though he had passed the administrative selection and passed the exam with high grades because he only had a pesantren diploma.

The problem occurred because the pesantren diploma was not recognized based on Blora Regent Regulation Number 36 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Blora Regent Regulation Number 37 of 2017 concerning Provisions for Implementing Regional Regulations of Blora Regency Number 6 of 2016 concerning Village Apparatus.

"There it is stated that village officials must have a formal diploma. This rejection causes polemics to roll to the Administrative Court," said Gus Ghofur using the abbreviation of the State Administrative Court.

Gus Ghofur expressed the importance of socialization to increase the understanding of stakeholders regarding the provisions in the law on pesantren to prevent the emergence of such problems.

According to the law on pesantren, he said, pesantren alumni are equivalent to equivalent public school alumni.

"In general, pesantren alumni and public schools have the same degree, only differentiated from special choices or field competencies," he said.

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