Not Yet Wanting To Return Home, Toddler Victims Of Waste, Stepmother, Lives Temporarily At Tangerang Safe House
Toddler victims of maternal abuse in Tangerang with a child activist/ Photo: Jehan/VOI

TANGERANG - IR (4) victims of abuse by his stepmother, RE (38) were placed in a safe house in the Tangerang City area. Because, the victim refused to live with his stepmother.

"He doesn't want to be here anymore, he wants to be with us. Because his mother is fierce, she likes to be scolded and beaten. We put him in a safe house," said Head of the Child Protection Commission (Komnas PA), Lia Latifah to reporters in Babakan, Tangerang City, Monday, November 20.

Lia said the victim would not be sent back to her stepmother until she wanted to return with her parents.

"Will go home, if the child wants to live with his mother," he said.

However, Lia allowed her mother to meet IR at Her Safe Home. However, they still have to get permission from her side first

"If the mother wants to meet, you can. But still permission from Komnas PA," he said.

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