Wow, Asked By Komnas PA About 'Jedotin' Children To The Wall, The Stepmother Even Claims To Be Defamed By Victims
Chairman of Komnas PA, Lia Latifah and the mother of the alleged perpetrator of child abuse 4 years/ Photo; Jehan/VOI

TANGERANG RE (38), the stepmother of the alleged perpetrator of child abuse in Tangerang, admitted that she felt that she had never abused her 4-year-old child, R. In front of the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA), RE said that the wound on her son's head was caused by a fall.

According to VOI monitoring at the house of the alleged perpetrator at the LP Complex, Babakan, Tangerang City, Monday, November 20, RE was seen having just returned from work. Then he was invited to sit down with the Chairman of Komnas PA, Lia Latifah and Youtuber Pratiwi Noviyanthi for clarification.

In the conversation, Lia asked RE about the wound on her son's head, which was allegedly due to the formation of his head to the floor.

"This is the wound on his head why?," said Lia

"It was because he fell, I didn't know he (the victim) had been slandered because he was locked to the floor," replied RE.

Listening to the statement, YouTuber Pratiwi Novi also commented. He ratiwi said that the victim claimed to have banged his head on the floor.

"Mother, I've asked IR (victim), his answer is consistent and always says his head is wrapped on the floor," he said.

After that, Pratiwi also asked about the injuries to his body. The reason is based on the victim's confession, he was pinched with nails continuously.

"He's stubborn. That's why I peeked," said RE.

"This is a cubit wound all over his body, you are conscious. If you think you are stubborn, why are you all over your body, not just one or two points," answered Pratiwi.

IR (4) allegedly abused by her stepmother, RE (38) until she suffered bleeding wounds. Bowo as the head of the local RT confirmed the incident. Worse yet, the abuse was discovered by his biological father, BA (38).

"He (the perpetrator) has only lived in my neighborhood for just a month. The victim was beaten with his head on the floor until he was bleeding. His father actually knew, only he was silent," Bowo told VOI, Sunday, November 19.

Bowo also said that his neighbors often listen to the screams of the victim. However, no one took action, because they felt they did not want to interfere with the family.

"Residents know, so they often hear screams from the victim. It's just the silence, because I don't know the exit. If people say, the victim often screams in pain," he said.

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