Hard! Dewi Tanjung Urges MUI To Issue Illegal Fatwa Lecture By Ustaz Yahya Waloni, Do Not SKB 3 Ministers Just Chat
PDI-P politician Dewi Tanjung (Photo: Screenshot of Dewi Tanjung's twitter @ DTanjung15)

JAKARTA - PDI-P politician (PDIP) Dewi Tanjung asked MUI to intervene in relation to a lecture by Ustaz Yahya Waloni. If necessary, the MUI issues a fatwa against Yahya Waloni because of the hateful content of his speech.

This was expressed by Dewi Tanjung in her Twitter tweet, @ DTanjung15, Monday, February 15.

"MUI, please issue a fatwa on the haram of Yahya Waloni to become a preacher and ustaz. MUI must be professional and be fair," tweeted Dewi Tanjung, peeping at VOI, Tuesday, February 15.

According to Dewi Tanjung, MUI should not only take care of SKB 3 ministers which regulate the use of school uniforms alone but neglect to handle things like this.

"Don't worry about the SKB 3 ministers regarding wearing the headscarf at the MUI school babbling. It is the turn of a human being to admit to being a cleric to spread hate speech in the content of the MUI lecture," said Dewi.

The preacher Yahya Waloni has indeed frequently criticized the current government. In 2018, Yahya Waloni was reported by a politician from the National Awakening Party (PKB) Abdul Kadir Karding for alleged insults.

No half-hearted, the alleged insult was addressed to Megawati Sukarnoputri, vice presidential candidate Ma'ruf Amin (now Vice President) to former NTB Governor Tuan Guru Bajang.

Most recently, through the Islamic Thermometer Youtube channel, Yahya Waloni issued a strong statement about Megawati Soekarnoputri. "I've been reported for insulting several figures. I told Megawati to die quickly, to report it (to the police) me. Yet it is based on the hadith, ”said Yahya Waloni as quoted Monday, February 14, 2021.

Yahya Waloni admitted that because of this statement he was often faced with the law. In fact, it is in accordance with the hadith.

"The Prophet said not to pray for a long life to the wrongdoers," said Yahya Waloni.

According to Dewi, Yahya Waloni is a fake ustaz who humiliates Islam as a religion of rahmatan lil alamin or a blessing for the universe.

"As a result of not being sold as a priest, he finally changed his direction to become a cleric just for the sake of hitchhiking to find food and money in Islam," said Dewi Tanjung.

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