Opening Opportunities For Ex-Terrorism Convicts For The Deradicalization Of Work Program, BNPT Collaborates With The Ministry Of Agriculture
Illustration. Three convicts in terrorism cases pledge allegiance to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia at Semarang Prison, Tuesday, November 14. (ANTARA-HO-Semarang Prison)

JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) cooperates with the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) to ensure the welfare of deradicalization partners or ex-terrorism convicts after returning to society.

"One of the opportunities we provide is agriculture and plantation. For this reason, we are synergizing with the Ministry of Agriculture today," said Head of BNPT, Komjen Pol. Mohammed Rycko Amelza Dahniel while visiting the Ministry of Agriculture, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 15, quoted by Antara.

He also explained that this program can be collaborated with one of the Ministry of Agriculture's programs that focuses on returning to self-sufficiency in rice.

"The Ministry also has a program to return Indonesia to self-sufficiency in rice, of course we will participate in the program. In that process, there will be an increase in ability and welfare," said Rycko.

Meanwhile, Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman stated that he was ready to contribute to this program, starting from checking land to assisting.

He said his party was ready to provide permanent solutions for deradicalization partners.

"Today we sent a team to check the land. We will see if it is suitable for farming, farming, or horticulture. We prepare technology to provide assistance," said Amran.

Amran also advised that deradicalization partners be trained to be productive.

"Don't let our brother (the deradicalization partner) go alone, we train entrepreneurship to be productive," said Amran.

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