President Zelensky Asks Ukrainians To Face Increased Russian Attacks Ahead Of Winter
President Zelensky was listening to directions from the Ukrainian military. (Source:

JAKARTA - President Volodymyr Zelensky warned Ukrainians to prepare for a new wave of Russian attacks on the country's infrastructure ahead of winter, saying its forces were anticipating intense attacks on the eastern region's battlefield.

The warning was delivered by President Zelensky in a video of his evening address, a day after Russia launched a missile attack on Kyiv for the first time in seven weeks.

"We are almost entering mid-November and must prepare for reality, the enemy may increase the number of drone or missile attacks against our infrastructure," President Zelensky said.

"Russia is preparing to confront Ukraine. And here, in Ukraine, all attention must be focused on defense, responding to terrorists, and everything Ukraine can do to get through winter and improve the capabilities of our army," he said.

Last winter, about 10 months after Russia's invasion of its neighboring Ukraine, Russia carried out a wave of attacks on power plants and other power plants linked to the energy grid, triggering a power outage.

Meanwhile, Energy Minister German Galushchenko said on Saturday Ukraine would have enough energy resources to get through winter.

"However, the question is, how much future attacks could affect supply?" he asked.

Last week, Ukrainian officials said Russia had attacked Ukraine's infrastructure 60 times in recent weeks, indicating the possibility of an ongoing campaign of attacks.

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